Monday, July 20, 2009

Potty training a potty mouth

First of all, wanted to say SORRY for my hiatus! Getting the moving sorted and all the last minute things left me drained! My goal is get this updated ASAP - especially since a certain potty mouthed toddler will be with his grandparents for a week and a half while I have some glorious 'free' time!

I admit that this is ALL my fault! And, to make it worse, I warned/scolded/nagged Kelly about watching what he said in front of the incredibly verbal little one. Driving in Dubai is annoying at best and suicidal at worst. I don't recall the exact situation, but I have deduced that honking of a horn was the trigger. I am guessing that I got frustrated and dropped the F bomb. My little listener, clever thing, did not say a thing at the time of the incident (which explains my lack of memory on Dylan's rated R vocabulary lesson). This obviously has contributed to the lack of knowledge about time, place, situation...

Dylan and I picked up Kelly after a round of golf and were on the way home when a car began honking next to us. Dylan SHOUTED (I have no idea where he gets this from) F*** CARS, F*** TRUCKS! Horrified, I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw Kelly smirking with glee.

This was a few months ago, but even now honking illicits an F bomb by my 2 year old. Although it's an appropriate use of the word (in most cases), the other parents will probably not appreciate Dylan's choice vocabulary.

At least he's potty trained - do they make wipes for a potty mouth?