Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Finally...a Stick Figure! or He Won't Support me with his Art Career

Dylan seems to have gotten my artistic talent.  He shows off his coloring prowess with random colors scribbled all over a page.  If asked to color a picture, he'll appease you by haphazardly choosing a color and drawing a few lines, but it's obvious he's not doing it for the intrinsic benefit.  Don't even get me started on writing his name.  It's as if I asked him to cut off his own toe.  However, it's recognizable and I'm sure it will get better.  Right??  It's ok to lie to me. 

Anyway, I was pleased as punch when he came home with this little gem.

On the bottom left he drew a stick figure!  Of course when I asked him about it he told me that it was his friend Colton who happens to be an octopus.  And all the stuff above...well, that's snow.  You couldn't figure that out?  Geez.