Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Year Later...

Since we've just finished up a year of living as Expats I thought I'd list my top 10 of what I love and hate right now about Dubai.

Positives first...

1. The roundabout is completed! Construction has been going on since we moved into the Ranches.
2. Busy social life! Bunco, dinner club, Friday brunches, evenings with friends
3. Some of our dream destinations are super close. (My Athens post is coming I swear!) Seychelles next spring, then hopefully Venice :)
4. We'll have nice weather until December when it will get a bit 'cool'! By the way, it's still pretty hot and humid.
5. I have time to cook dinner every night if I choose.
6. Taxis are cheap.
7. I am learning a lot about Muslims.
8. I feel safer here than in Houston.
9. Sandstorms make it look overcast.
10.I have a gas stove that is so awesome to cook on!

Now for what I am hating (maybe that word is a little strong)...

1. Self entitled idiots thinking they can drive in the middle of two lanes, cut me off so close that I have to slam on my brakes, ride my ass and flash high beams even though there is someone right in front of me, and basically drive like shit.
2. Sand - it's everywhere
3. Body Odor - it can be rank here
4. Time difference makes it difficult to watch UT football (thank goodness for the slingbox though)! This Saturday night we'll be up late watching TX/OU even though it's a weeknight!
5. Missing all my friends and family! 9 days people and I will be on that miserable flight to Houston! I haven't been home in TEN months! Watch out Taco Bell.
6. TV here sucks! I get to choose between The Nanny, Coach, and Married With Children
7. It's nearly impossible to get anything fixed right here. I'm sure if you scroll through the archives you'll see a few examples.
8. You can't look anywhere without seeing construction.
9. No rain.
10.No piercing blue skies. The amount of sand in the air fades the blue of the sky.


Wes and Leslie said...

Can't believe you've been gone for a year. Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey, so crazy that you know Kimberly through your friend! and then through Let! It's such a small world!Thanks for checking out our blog and the sweet words! Come visit anytime!!