Monday, August 10, 2009

Another potty story of sorts

After Taylor the cat was shipped back to the states, I cleaned out his room. I emptied the plastic containers we used for his litter boxes and put them out in our recycling bin.

As I was on my way to pick up Dylan from his playgroup, I noticed that the people next door had some maintenance workers fixing something. I looked closer and noticed that they had one of Taylor's litter boxes over there and had filled it with water to wash something.

After puking a little in my mouth, I rolled down the window to let them know that the box they were using was where my cat used to take a crap. I had not washed it out at all, just emptied the litter into the trash.

After several failed explanations, I finally said, "my cat used to shit in that box where your hands are"! A look of comprehension finally crossed his face.

"Sorry, madam, do you need it back?"

I just smiled, said "no thanks", and drove off.

It's good to be back in the states.

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natasha said...
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