Monday, October 1, 2007

Chillin' in the desert

After the Young Frankenstein looking electricity handle was slammed down and the electricity hummed on, we discovered that we had a "few" AC problems. No central air. Ok, no problem. It will be easier to cool the villa with 4 units. Ha! Maybe if 4 were working. Out of the 4 only 1 is functioning normally.

The AC "repairman" arrives with his little entourage. They first decide to check the filter by standing barefoot on my kitchen counter. How else would he get to the filter in the ceiling? The group moves upstairs and the boss man sits on our bed making phone calls while his little workers are climbing like monkeys out on our 2nd floor patio trying to get to the roof. Ladders are for sissies.

After an hour one of the guys comes down and reaches his hand up to feel the air flow. He nods his head at Kelly and Kelly puts his hand up. The flow of air is only slightly cooler than the air outside at 2 in the afternoon. Kelly shakes his head no. The guy mutters to himself and heads back upstairs. Again he comes down and decides that it will be easier to feel the air if he's standing on top of my living room chair. (ladders are for sissies, remember?) He is kind enough to take off his disgusting sandles, but when I see his feet I wish he hadn't.

After 3 hours of repairs, the boss man comes to tell us that he doesn't have the right part for one of the units. It takes many hand motions and repetition for us to finally understand that while our downstairs AC unit was sort of working, it now must remain off and there will be no AC. I'm not really sure what was accomplished in the 3 hours of labor, but I'm trying to be patient. They will return at 11 the next day.

At noon I call. "We're 5 minutes away." At 1pm I get a call and the AC guy is stuck at the gate because the guard won't let him in. Kelly is at work and I'm without a car so I have to walk to the gate with the baby and wave to the guard. I love this place!
The boss man has a different worker with him and I'm surprised to see that this guy likes the ladders. Finally the unit is on and appears to blowing cold air. The boss man comes downstairs and begins to climb on my chair to test the air. I tell him to get off my furniture and get his damn ladder.

Another 3 hours and I'm beginning to think that maybe we'll be able to make it through the day needing only one shower and the baby can wear clothes instead of just a diaper.


Monica said...

Hey, I'm glad you're cooling off a bit! How about some pics?

Lindsey said...

Don't you love the completely different concept of time? Just as well to say 'we'll be there when we get there and probably not before' I'm glad you started the blog...makes you seem a little less far away!

Sara said...

I have a feeling your time abroad is going to keep the rest of us highly entertained! I feel a book coming on...:)

marie said...

Love this setup. Gives us a chance to follow your adventures.

Krissy said...

Thanks for all the comments! If this crap wasn't happening to me I'd be laughing my ass off! Oh well, I'm glad this is entertainment - I have a new respect for "culture shock"!! I'll be getting some pics out soon I promise! I've actually been somewhat busy here - big surprise right???

marie said...

Pictures are great. Love that HAIR!! Will start wishing you a
Very Happy Birthday today. (MONDAY)
Both out teams LOST BIG TIME.