Wednesday, April 29, 2009

R.I.P. Red Dog 04/25/07 - 04/17/09

It is with sadness that I write to you about the 'death' of Red Dog. He has been a life long friend (literally) to Dylan and provided much sanity to me. He helped during those first few days home from the hospital and was Dylan's best friend until just recently. The details here are a bit unclear (D was in the care of our friends while Kel and I brunched with Brad and Mary).

Here is the information I received. Allegedly, during a fit of anger, (what exactly Red Dog did I am unsure of) Dylan tore off the end of Red Dog's paci with his teeth. Luckily, Dylan did not ingest this bit of paci, but handed it to my friend (which I am thankful for).

She called to relay the sobering news to us so that we would be prepared for the carnage once we arrived home. When we walked into the house, Red Dog lay on the counter next to his severed end. It might have been my imagination (or a few drinks), but it appeared that Red Dog wasn't smiling anymore.
The next morning my angel child woke up and immediately asked for Dog. I gave it to him and he said "Dog broke. Mommy, dog broke." He put him in his mouth once, said "yuk" and threw him on the floor. I can't imagine how Red Dog feels now that he's second fiddle to Frog. He sits in a drawer now and I'm unsure of what to do with the remains. It feels so sacrilegious to toss him in the trash. Red Dog has had more experiences than any other paci his age! He's even been to Athens!

Now, there are two. Watch out Frog and Duck! Who knows what your fate might be.
A few memories of Red Dog...

In Dallas for Christmas 2007

On the Big Bus Tour in Dubai April 2008

In Austin to visit Graham and Alanna January 2009

In Athens September 2008

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